Located in the steep mountainous slopes south of Shagri Bala village, GMC’s 30 year lease title for development & mining of copper covers an area of 6.540 sq.kms – This particular area is situated at a distance of 7Km’s from Skardu.
Skardu, a major international tourist destination and the Divisional Headquarters of Gilgit-Baltistan Province, is a 715Km drive or a one hour flight from Islamabad the Federal capital of Pakistan.
Presence of Copper, Gold and Silver have been confirmed in a number of bulk grab samples taken from the surface outcrops of the oxidized sulphide zone, located within the leased location. The mineralization is confined mainly within the porphyritic dacitic sills of up Jurassic-lower Cretaceous volcanics extensively exposed in the region as well as calcite bearing hydrothermal quartz veins intruding this volcanic suit of rocks. As many as 10 samples of porphyritic mineralized dacitic bands are delineated by the GMC geoscientists, 5 of which are more than 300 meters thick.
Random chip surface samples from these bands show average copper content ranging from 0.37% to 2.2%; 0.3% of which is recoverable copper. GMC during its exploration tenor has not only confirmed the mineralization on the surface but has also identified sizeable anomalous zones at depth through geophysical surveys.
A number of 13 bulk grab, meaningful samples were collected for reconfirmation of copper contents in these sulphide zones, but after megascopic examination of these samples through a Dino-Lite basic digital microscope, common metallic mineral assemblages found in all 13 samples vividly called for carrying out chemical analyses of these samples not only for copper but for Gold and Silver as well.
Presence of Copper, Gold and Silver have been confirmed in a number of bulk grab samples taken from the surface outcrops of the oxidized sulphide zone, located within the leased location. The mineralization is confined mainly within the porphyritic dacitic sills of up Jurassic-lower Cretaceous volcanics extensively exposed in the region as well as calcite bearing hydrothermal quartz veins intruding this volcanic suit of rocks. As many as 10 samples of porphyritic mineralized dacitic bands are delineated by the GMC geoscientists, 5 of which are more than 300 meters thick.
Accordingly after preparation of all 13 bulk samples, 500 gm of each sample, were analyzed by SGS Labs. Karachi Pakistan for determination of Copper, Gold and Silver content in each sample. Analytical reports confirmed all the samples to contain copper, gold and silver from above the detection limit of each element up to its economical grade.
Gold and silver contents of each sample along with their copper contents were converted to their total equivalent in terms of % which consequently revealed 4 priority surface sample sites that require confirmation of presence/continuation of unoxidized fresh ore zone/s at depth.